• Policies
  • Animal Policies
  • Animal Policies

    Individuals on college property, including employees, affiliates, volunteers, students, alumni, donors, business representatives, contractors and visitors, are generally prohibited from bringing animals, including pets, into any buildings or other controlled spaces on college property, except:

    1. Professional staff who are required to live in the residence halls are permitted to have the following types, number, and size (where applicable) of pets in their apartments, under the following conditions and restrictions:
      • one dog weighing no more than 40 pounds, or
      • two cats, or
      • small birds and fish, subject to the provisions stated in #2.
      • Note: dogs and cats are only permitted for those professional staff living in residence hall apartments with a private entrance that does not require the pet to be in common areas of the residence hall.
    2. Students may keep small birds and fish (in aquariums of ten gallons or less) in the residence halls, under the following conditions:
      • Birds must be registered with Residence Life.
      • All roommates must agree to keeping birds or fish in the room or suite.
      • The College reserves the right to limit the type and number of birds or fish permitted.
      • Pets must be always contained in cages or aquariums.
    3. Equestrian program employees may bring their dogs to work in the stable area. Such dogs must always remain in the stable area and must be leashed or otherwise confined at the request of other employees required to perform tasks in the stable area, such as computing services staff. Cats are permitted to live in stable areas.
    4. Exceptions for events on campus:
      • Blessing of the Animals. Interested members of the Goucher community are welcome to bring their pets to campus to celebrate the Blessing of the Animals on a day designated by the college chaplain. Employees who are unable to bring their pets only for the blessing may bring them to work for the entire designated day, provided they have obtained the prior consent of every other employee in their work area.
      • National Bring Your Dog To Work Day. Employees may bring their dogs to work on National Bring Your Dog to Work Day, provided they have obtained the prior consent of every other employee in their work area.

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